Our Services

our fast-paced society, people face challenges and issues in their lives. People often experience mental health problems. They feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed about their study, work, family, or relationship with people. Some people may even suffer from symptoms of severe mental illness contributed by physical or medical reasons. Our clinic provides comprehensive mental health care to address various mental illnesses and challenges by integrating medical and psychological approaches.

Our services included: medication treatmentpsychological assessments, and psychotherapy / counselling. (read more)

Medication Treatment

We provide wide ranges of medication treatment (include Anxiolytic, Hypnotics, Antipsychotics, Antidepressant, Mood Stabiliser, Psychostimulant and medication for dementia etc.)*The...

Psychological Assessments

Cognitive/ Intellectual assessment (IQ) (aged 6 years old and above)Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Behavioural & emotional-related issuesAdaptive...

Psychotherapy / Counselling

Different modes of psychotherapy/ counselling:IndividualCoupleFamilyGroup

Mental Health Publications

患思觉失调症 利培酮还是依匹派唑好?

问:我想了解下关于思觉失调症所服用的药物,即利培酮(risperidone)和依匹派唑(brexpiprazole)有什么差别呢?哪一个的副作用较少呢? 医生解答: 利培酮是一种常见的精神科药物(antipsychotic),为第二代非典型抗精神病药物(second-generation...

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裁员失业染疫 压力排山倒海 心灵受困吁求助 没有人是宇宙孤岛

医句话: 从去年底肆虐至今的COVID-19疫情仍不见底,而病毒危害及经济收入犹如两座大山压在每个人特别是一家之主的肩上,这是一场不容有失的战“疫”,想要疫中胜出就必须做到3大要点,即认清自己、寻求帮助以及做好规划,唯有如此才能把疫情及经济所带来的伤害减到最低。 “COVID-19的疫情可说是我们这一代人不曾经历过的遭遇,它不只是医疗上的问题,更是打击经济层面甚至对个人精神健康(mental...

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