Our Services

In our fast-paced society, people face challenges and issues in their lives. People often experience mental health problems. They feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed about their study, work, family, or relationship with people. Some people may even suffer from symptoms of severe mental illness contributed by physical or medical reasons. Our clinic provides comprehensive mental health care to address various mental illnesses and challenges by integrating medical and psychological approaches.

Our services included: medication treatmentpsychological assessments,
and psychotherapy / counselling.

We provide mental health services for various types of issues for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults:

•Depressive Disorders •Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) •Suicidal/ self harm behaviours
•Anxiety Disorders (panic, social anxiety, agoraphobia, generalised anxiety disorder, specific phobia, separation anxiety, selective mutism) •Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) •Grief and loss
•Bipolar Disorders •Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) •Relationship issues
•Schizophrenia/ Other Psychotic Disorders •Intellectual Disability •Stress management
•Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) •Impulse Control Disorder •Anger management
•Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) •School refusal
•Neurocognitive Disorders / Dementia •Adjustment issue
•Substances/-related disorders/ drugs •Behavioural problems
•Nicotine (Cigarette) dependence •Parenting challenges
•Personality Disorders •Marital counselling
•Sleep-wake Disorder